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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Май 06, 2008 7:51 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Image My War with Me

I first met Osho on Valentine’s Day in 1973 at a meditation camp in the Indian desert. At night, I slept on the ground just outside the room where He was staying, and, as I recall, the mosquitoes that kept me company were bigger than my consciousness. How I got there is a strange story. In fact, you could say I got there courtesy of the US Army. I’d just arrived in India after a five-year fight with the army about Vietnam.

I did not want to fight the Vietnamese, the army wanted me to fight, and the only fight I was willing to fight was against my own army. So we went through the whole process called Court Martial and it was very difficult. It took five years for the army to give me an honorable discharge, and to this day I am proud of what my walking papers say: Michael Mogul is unable to adjust to the military lifestyle. You got that right, guys!

I took my discharge and went to London, England, where the only job I could get was as a bartender. Many of my costumers were beautiful people – guys I had a lot of respect for, guys who had fought in World War II and had half their faces blown off. You could still see the burn marks all over their bodies. I was jealous that they were willing to fight for their country, and the secret of my own discharge went deeper and deeper, the misery went deeper and deeper, and one day I couldn’t handle it anymore.

I got really drunk and got on the first plane that was available. That plane took me, on a one-way ticket, to Mumbai, India. It wasn’t quite as accidental as that, however. When you work in England until two o’clock in the morning and you still want a bite to eat, the only restaurants that are open are Indian restaurants. So I ended up making friends with Indians and loving the food. That’s how I chose Mumbai. That’s how I got to be sleeping outside Osho’s door.

In the morning, Osho sat in a chair just in front of me, dressed in a simple white robe. My first thought was: how can a man have such so much strength and lightness at the same time? I remember instantly falling in love with Him while not exactly feeling great about myself. My dark side, my inner secret, was killing me. Out of the blue, Osho looked at me and said, “The revolution is inside yourself.”

Up until that moment the revolution had been outside. The enemy was outside, the army was outside, my girlfriends were outside, life was outside, and I hated it all. And when Osho said that, it was like something went off in my head. I knew that I could work on myself, that I could drop the hate I had toward life. I could drop the hate I had for myself.

A man of peace is not a pacifist, a man of peace is simply a pool of silence. He pulsates a new kind of energy into the world, he sings a new song. He lives in a totally new way his very way of live is that of grace, that of prayer, that of compassion. Whomsoever he touches, he creates more love-energy. The man of peace is creative. He is not against war, because to be against anything is to be at war. He is not against war, he simply understands why war exists. And out of that understanding he becomes peaceful. Only when there are many people who are pools of peace, silence, understanding, will the war disappear.

Zen: The Path of Paradox, vol II

Krishna Prem and Sam Vado Very Happy

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Последний раз редактировалось: Дхарма Махант (Пн Мар 19, 2012 11:16 am), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Май 06, 2008 8:12 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу



I have been aware of global warming ever since my past life as a penguin. After a hard day of work on the iceberg, I was sleep walking on my way to the Buddha Auditorium for Kundalini Meditation when I passed Master Peng Nansen who gave me a zen hit as he exhorted, “When walking, walk with awareness.”

Needless to say, the cold water woke me up. I remember saying to myself, “A few years ago, I would have broken my nose on the ice.”

Global warming is real... the ice is melting and the oceans are warming... and this summer in Europe, especially in England, it is raining floods.

Now, in this carnation as a human being, I have the same feeling I had as a hapless penguin... now, more then ever before, we all need to treat Planet Earth with respect.

Planet Earth is young and alive... and deserves to be treated like a new born.

Just yesterday, after a particularly strong Dynamic Meditation, I looked to the heavens and asked Mother Nature, “Are we human beings doing our part to protect our little planet to insure our home is safe for future generations?”

Here is Her answer:


If you want to see me come alive, then YouTube Me Baby... simply put your mouse here and enjoy. Very Happy Laughing Very Happy

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Последний раз редактировалось: Дхарма Махант (Вт Май 06, 2008 8:40 am), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Май 06, 2008 8:21 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу


My understanding is that whatsoever is given to you is precious. So you have to find ways to transform it. You have to make your love more prayerful, you have to make your sex more loving. Slowly slowly, sex has to be transformed into a sacred activity. Rather than sex pulling you down into the mire of animality, you can pull sex upwards. Just as it can bring a new child into the world, it can give a new birth to you.”

“Love and meditation.
Love is the feminine way and meditation is the masculine way.
Meditation means the capacity to be absolutely alone, and love means the capacity to be absolutely together.
Love means rejoicing relatedness; meditation means rejoicing solitude, aloneness.
Both do the same work, because on both the paths the ego disappears.”

Sad! Very, very sad...................

Right now, as you read this, 30 Million friends around the world are having SEX!

And you're on the computer!

Letters of swami Krishna Prem from here… Idea Rolling Eyes


We are remembering You in Russia Wink Our beloved Swami!... Exclamation Razz

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trollis vulgaris

Пол: Пол:Женский
Зарегистрирован: 09.09.2007
Сообщения: 976

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Май 06, 2008 9:16 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Дхарма Махант,30 million?Are having sex? its realy cool
Let it be:they make sex instead war
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Май 06, 2008 12:23 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Sartir Image


Calories burned during sex

With her consent.................................12 Calories
Without her consent...........................2,187 Calories

With an erection..................................6 Calories
Without an erection...........................3,315 Calories

Missionary..................................12 Calories
69 lying down...............................78 Calories
69 standing up.............................812 Calories
Wheelbarrow................................216 Calories
Doggy Style..... .............................326 Calories
Italian chandelier..........................2,912 Calories

ORGASMS: Real........................................112
Calories Fake..........................................1,315 Calories

Lying in bed hugging.............................18
Calories Getting up immediately.........................36 Calories
Explaining why you got out of bed immediately...816 Calories

If you are:
20-29 years......................................36 Calories
30-39 years......................................80 Calories
40-49 years......................................124 Calories
50-59 years...................................1,972 Calories
60-69 years...................................7,916 Calories
70 and over........................Results are still pending

Calmly..........................................32 Calories
In a hurry.......................................98 Calories
With her father knocking at the door..........5,218 Calories
With her husband knocking at the door......8,775 Calories
With your wife knocking at the door..........13,521 Calories

Results may vary.
Image Thanks for Krishna Prem! Very Happy Idea Laughing

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Май 06, 2008 10:30 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу


I like a good movie... I simply love escaping from the “real world”. But do not get me wrong. My life is not about becoming a movie star. As a ‘far in’ meditator, I am now interested in me watching myself watching the movie. This is deep shit. As I do not want you to miss the art of watching yourself watch the movie, I wish to quote Osho below.

You are lost in your dreams. Your subjectivity is completely engulfed by the dreams. It is just like when you go to see a movie. You know well that there is nothing on the screen. Still, you get deceived. When the movie starts, the screen is full of pictures. Just a play of light and darkness, just very subtle dream-stuff, and you are lost. You forget yourself. You forget the spectator, you become part of it. Sometimes you cry and weep when some tragedy happens on the screen. You follow all that is happening on the screen. There is nothing happening, but for two hours, you are completely lost. Buddha is one who becomes awakened in a movie house and suddenly shakes himself and understands that there is nothing -- only a wide screen covered with white and black shades; just covered with false, dreamlike stuff. He laughs -- not at what he is seeing; he laughs at himself -- and comes back home.”


ImageI can’t help myself. I am an animal… still now, but especially in my past lives… in my most recent past life as an animal, I was a giraffe. Being so tall, it was natural for me to learn the art of witnessing.

Witnessing is a key word for all meditators.
Witness that you are not the body...
Witness that you are not the mind...
Witness that you are only a witness.

Suddenly, great bliss arises in you
out of nowhere
flowers of invisible ecstasy
start showering on you.
You are at the very source of your life juices

- Osho

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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trollis vulgaris

Пол: Пол:Женский
Зарегистрирован: 09.09.2007
Сообщения: 976

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Май 07, 2008 12:18 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Дхарма Махант!Нифиговая статистика Cool ...а как это поза 69 stand up?Просто 69 еще понятно,но там лежа как-то..Это в ашраме на лекциях рассказывают Smile Question ,шучу.
I can't help my self-I'm skinny poor doggy budda without dick
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Май 14, 2008 5:37 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

“Put everything at stake.
Risk everything, because the next moment is not certain,
so why bother?
Why be concerned?
Live dangerously, live joyously.
Live without fear, live without guilt.
Live without any fear of hell, or any greed for heaven.

Just live.”



A rose flower contains all the rose flowers of the past. And if you can understand, let me say, it contains all the future flowers also.

We are here. In this moment the whole existence converges. All the past and all the future converges in this moment. This moment is the bridge between the past and the future. In you, everything is meeting right now. If you can become aware, then you are the whole existence this very moment. Osho

NOW You can “YouTube Me Baby”... simply put your cursor... hold down your control key and click to follow the link... and enjoy...

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 1/7) Krishna Prem talks about his journey with Osho and shares the precious lessons learnt in his decades of inwards journey and rebellion against the known & secure!

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 2/7) Sw Krishna Prem dialog with Nirman about Courage and his understanding of Osho's message on going inwards....

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 3/7) Sw krishnaprem talks to Nirman about finding one's passion!... Idea


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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Май 14, 2008 7:40 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 4/7) Nirman interviews Sw Krishnaprem about his key learning’s from sannyas life spanning several decades......

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 5/7) Sw Krishna Prem on his journey with and learning from Osho - in a heartful dialog with Nirman...

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 6/7) Sw krishnaprem talks about learning from his life with Osho in this informal dialog with Nirman...

Chai With Nirman - Krishna Prem (Part 7/7) Sw krishnaprem talks to Nirman about his journey with Osho, his learning from life as a sannyasin and also about his upcoming Book....

In Puna with Sw. Dyanesh Cool

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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Май 23, 2008 10:48 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Yogendra group of Tai Chi. Puna ashram 2008 Very Happy

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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс Янв 04, 2009 11:53 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Сегодня получил письмо с мешком новогодних поздравлений от Свами Кришны Према! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

"Regaining Consciousness in ’09" Image

I am amazed and disappointed how many friends thought I was I was a dirty old snowman in my past life when they received my new year’s newsletter a year ago… so let me be straight with you… from lifetime to lifetime, we often change sexes… as a snowwoman, I am happy to say that this snowman was in fact ‘bottom’ heavy… and I escaped certain abuse and lost 3 kilos by rolling downhill just in the nick of time.

Having set the record straight, it wasn’t for lifetimes later that I realized what an absolute tease being a woman can be… and as Mona Lisa, I got so antsy sitting for Leonardo da Vinci that I couldn’t resist flashing him… when I could not even get a raise out of Leo, I simply found it difficult to work up a smile.


By the time, I reincarnated as a man I was so sexually confused, I just juggled with my balls and found myself absolutely confused between what is real and what is an illusion.


Finally after life after life, flip-flopping between being a man and a woman, I can honestly say that I respect the opposite sex unconditionally… and that my heart is always in the right place.


I also want to suggest on this entrance to 2009, that I have come a long way from being an ape to being a computer nerd in this lifetime.


So if you are having difficulty viewing this newsletter, just click on the link below.
and the pictures will magically appear… and from now on this feature will be at the beginning of the credits at the end of the newsletter.

And while you are at it, please consider that my newsletter is still a baby and so if you know any teenies or beyond in love with Osho, simply copy and paste the above link in the subject line in an email so I can get this cosmic joke out to old friends who may be taking life seriously at present.

More importantly, Veeresh and company are making a special guest appearance in the OSHO Multiversity here in Pune from January 10th -January 18th… you are invited to join in… I have highlighted a beautiful video called ‘Stand by Me’ – it’s a song played by street musicians from around the world, many of whom Veeresh knew personally when he lived in the inner-city in the days before he met Osho, & so in appreciation of Veeresh’s contribution to the human condition, simply click on the button between friends.


Veeresh is available through the OSHO Humaniversity in Holland… www.humaniversity.nl

The New Year is upon us… if you are anything like me you have just gone unconscious for days, eating and drinking as if your death depended on it… now is time to get back to you were you once belonged… remembering, once and for all… this very body, the Buddha.



Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

Ps… You are invited to my new improved website at www.geeyouareyou.com

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Фев 16, 2010 8:03 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Welcome to the G.U.R.U. Website! Image

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Июн 08, 2010 4:55 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Swami Krishna Prem в блогах Very Happy Arrow http://kpguru.blogspot.com/


Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Июл 01, 2010 3:45 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

"Ошо, Индия и я" Swami Krishna Prem.
<Заказать книгу по интернету>

Для увеличения нажимайте на фото.

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Сен 14, 2010 9:31 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу


Кришна Прем рассказывает. Клево!


Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс Окт 17, 2010 10:30 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

From Supersex to Consciousness
by Krishna Prem

(with a little prompting by Ma Prem Lolita)

What is it about Krishna Prem that makes me want to wear the right underwear just to share pizza and beer and help him get a handle on his writing project? I knock on his door and enter the mellow atmosphere of his room in the meditation resort, situated in Pune’s Upper East Side. Hearing his voice of welcome (“Hi Girl!”), I know it is because 22 years ago we met in the California desert and the sweet flirtation has never stopped. Krishna’s playfulness simply allows me to be relaxed around him. In fact, had it ever become a “let’s go for it” situation, he would have been afraid. That’s the kind of guy he is.

Lolita: What is behind your nature? I mean on an earthly level.

Krishna: I feel blessed. My mother left her body when
I was one year old, actually, before I was one... The good news was that at that moment I had four sisters old enough to be teenage mothers. I feel blessed that
I had so much young sisterly love in my life; from the very beginning I’ve been in love with women. My fear still centers around what I’d do if one wanted to take me home forever, but I’ve never been confused about loving women. It’s great not to have a mother...you know what I mean?

Having no mother changes many things in your conditioning. For example, I was raised by one sister and my father, and as a child I would watch them fight and then go to separate rooms. In my world, fights didn’t resolve with sex. Now some of my friends say that
the best sex is after a fight. I don’t know. It doesn’t happen like that for me.

Lolita: Is there a “best sex” for you?

Krishna: Everybody has their own formula about sex. Sex is sex is sex. Here’s where I feel really blessed.
In this life, sex has been my pay in our “commune play”...to the point where I have no fantasies left. And that’s really a major thing for a man. So, in fact, I’m overpaid.

Lolita: Are you sure you have no fantasies left?

Krishna: Thank you, Lolita. I want to feel that way,
but in fact I’m feeling human again as you ask me that question. It’s an old pattern of mine to paint life working, so that I feel I have something to share about sex. Or even love for that matter.

Lolita: So say something straight right now.

Krishna: I fell in love with a Master who is in love with women. There is simply no way I would have had so many lovers without Osho. I knew it was a blessing...all these beautiful women who came to Him... It wasn’t like I attracted them. He attracted them. In my whole life I never looked in the mirror and said, “She needs me.” When I met Osho, I met five thousand buddhas who looked like sisters to me!

One deceptive thing about me is that I look like a man, but I’m not so sure. Having been born in a family with so much female energy, sometimes I act like
a woman. For example, when the going gets tough, I go shopping! But a long time ago I decided I was not willing to make the same “mistake” as my father, who had a knack for creating a rival sibling every three times he made love. So, I got my tubes tied and went to bed with all of my sannyas sisters.

And through this abundance of women in my life (due to Osho), and through my acceptance of women as friends, I’ve reached the psychological highlight where it’s okay if I’m a bad fuck! I wish I could say that sex has dropped me. In fact, it hasn’t. And to balance this statement, I also have to say that sex is not my boss anymore either.

Lolita: We’ve all heard that a man thinks about sex every three minutes, and a woman every six. I am wondering how it is for you at this point.

Krishna: Well, Krishna is up to four minutes now! As a young man I used to be hard before my female friend knocked on the door. Now I get hard after she leaves. In between these two experiences is a moment of balance. In those moments, I celebrate with a cup of tea and a cuddle.

I guess every man in midlife asks himself, “Do I miss the drive?” The answer is yes. My sexual drive is no longer a primal scream. Now sex is as much a thank you as a tension reliever.

Lolita: And what about the fear around relationship?

Krishna: It has taken my whole life to understand this – that women want a main course from a man. They want to be taken seriously. They want steak and potatoes, and all I could ever be was a friend; I could only offer tiramisu. Now I understand.

I’m in a relationship right now. Her name is Jwala, which means fire. This relationship is burning me
up. It scares me. My beloved was brought up by four brothers and no father. And that’s where we regress, directly into two kids that need each other.

The difference I see between sex and relationship is that relationship puts me in the unknown. Right now love helps me to live there – otherwise I’d run.

Lolita: Is superconcsiousness awakening for you?

Krishna: It’s easier for me now to be superconscious than sexy. In fact, as I am watching myself say all this, I can hear myself telling all the women I’ve been with: Thank you. And to all the women who said no: I’m coming back as a blonde Gina Lollobrigida (Osho’s favorite) in my next life – I won’t be available!

As one of Osho’s friends who still lives in Pune, in
the commune itself, I find it difficult to use the word “superconscious” without thinking I am competing with the Master. But if superconsciousness means being aware that you’ve been touched by the Master and his female disciples, then this does describe me, and I feel grateful.

And I also feel quite mature, even though this expression grows out of a history of being premature all my life. But who I am now is not interested in being premature or mature. Now in my life I’m always watching the point where I tip, looking for the place where I am neither one. This is what I call aloneness. Ironically, sex is not my door to enlightenment, but my door to aloneness. It is no longer a biological thing, but a way of getting into my aloneness. Sex has helped me to
be alone.

When I speak about sex to friends now, the conversation has just as much to do with the peaks and valleys of relating as to wrestling with the eternal esoteric question of tits and ass. The beloved helps me to fall in love with myself as well. And I am still thrilled to say that I didn’t learn all my lessons about being a man on the football field – I’d rather touch you than touchdown!

Love is, Krishna Prem

As Osho reminds, "I say the journey is from sex to superconsciousness. Sex is the beginning of the journey -- don't reject it. If you reject the beginning, you will never reach the end. But remember that it is only the beginning; don't get stuck there. You have to go farther and farther ahead; you have to transcend it. And as you go higher in meditation, the less and less sexual you are bound to become. The sexual orgasm reveals two secrets to you: one is that in the climax, at the peak, the ego disappears; and the second, time disappears. And these are the two secrets of meditation. One day meditating you will come to know that sex is not needed at all because the ego and time can disappear without going into sex at all. Sex is a natural way of meditation; it is a gift of nature, to keep reminding you that this is possible. Mind, time, ego, all can disappear; if they can disappear for a single moment, then why not for ever? Sex is a natural window into God, but only a window. You need not remain confined behind it. You can jump out of the window and you can come into the open, in the sun, under the sky. But the window made it possible for you. Because sex helps you to know a few moments of egolessness, timelessness, mindlessness, it makes it possible that you can long for, desire a permanent state, an eternal state of orgasmic joy -- satchitanand.” www.osho.com

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Янв 22, 2011 9:19 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу


49-й выпуск журнала свами Кришны Према. G.U.R.U.

“Enlightenment is not something to be achieved, it is just to be lived. When I say that I achieved enlightenment, I simply mean that I decided to live it. Enough is enough! And since then I have lived it. It is a decision that now you are not interested in creating problems – that's all. It is a decision that now you are finished with all this nonsense of creating problems and finding solutions. All this nonsense is a game you are playing with yourself: you yourself are hiding and you yourself are seeking, you are both the parties. And you know it! That's why when I say it you smile, you laugh. I am not talking about anything ridiculous – you understand it. You are laughing at yourself. Just watch yourself laughing, just look at your own smile – you understand it. It has to be so because it is your own game: you are hiding and waiting for yourself to be able to seek and find yourself.”

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image

Последний раз редактировалось: Дхарма Махант (Сб Янв 22, 2011 9:27 pm), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Янв 22, 2011 9:24 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Image Клево!

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Фев 11, 2011 8:02 pm Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

Krishna Prem meets Osho for the first time
Posted on February 9th, 2011 by sannyasnews http://www.sannyasnews.org/latest/archives/853
February 14th is Valentine’s Day….

celebrated all over the world as a day for lovers. On February 14th, 1973 I met the love of my life; his name at the time was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, known today to his beloveds worldwide as Osho. My body age at the time was 29 years old, and I have now attained the ripe age of 38 as an Osho sannyasin; you do the math! I certainly can’t imagine how many more blog entries this bloke has left in his being but for now, I feel like reminiscing….

Imagine if you will that I am 29, miserable and angry, sitting in front of a beaming Osho for the very first time…I so wanted to crawl under my orange pyjamas (standard outfit before the maroon robe of now became the fashion), and disappear to get away from his attention. In this very moment, it was just him and me in his one-room home in the desert in the middle of Nowhere, India. Back in ’73 Osho’s official residence was an apartment in the Woodlands Building in Bombay. He was already bigger than his apartment and this desert was to be the beginning of his first ashram. As I jumped onto the train, Osho got there first in his pre-Rolls Royce, pre-historic Chevrolet. I don’t know the exact location because I arrived by train from Bombay and thus saw nothing but Indians by the dozen on all four sides of my immediate circumference…yes I can remember the smell and my desire to die immediately and nothing else. Having miraculously survived a 3rd-class un-air-conditioned Indian train journey, I nearly lost my mind when I came to know that the only available transportation between this rural train stop and Osho was a bullock cart…no shit, except, from the bullock which upon first breath hid the smells from the train with welcomed relief. Intuitively I remembered to breathe out.

The first thing Osho said to me was that the revolution is inside of myself. I immediately exploded into the unknown because I had thought my life was secret and he read me like an open book. In the same year, 1973, Roberta Flack sang the song, ‘Killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words.’

The second thing he said to me was, “Your new name will be Krishna Prem.” The only thing I knew about Krishna at this point in time was freaks chanting ‘Hare Krishna’ at the airport, and to be honest I immediately came crashing down to earth. It took me a while to laugh at the thought of a good Jewish boy having a name like Krishna. When I found out that the mythical blue god had 16,000 wives I turned red with envy. Osho said, “Krishna means ecstasy and Prem means love, will this be easy to pronounce?” As I nodded yes I thought to myself yes, but it could be hard to live with. Even today it’s easier when you say to me, “Hi Krishna Prem” than when I call myself by that name. Many of you know me as KP. That came about from a time when I made a reservation at a Michelin-starred restaurant and I simply couldn’t reserve a table for two under that holy name. Can you imagine coming back to America in orange pyjamas and a mala (108 wooden beads), a beard down to my toes, and with a name like Krishna Prem? Being with Osho can be very shocking. Basically Osho’s first Western sannyasin was given the name Krishna Christ, and I often wonder how Osho ever got a second sannyasin. I was once at the airport flying to India with Krishna Christ when all of a sudden over the public-address system I heard the announcement ‘Krishna Christ you’re holding up the flight and your luggage will be off-loaded if you don’t present yourself at Gate 16.’ I wonder how mad we are considering the fact that hundreds of thousands of friends from all walks of life have traded in their birth names and became fools for the truth. If you don’t believe me please call yourself Krishna Prem for twenty-four hours and watch the whole world around you go into shock.

My life up until this point was a lie, festering like a disease. I wasn’t surprised when Osho suggested I do the Dynamic meditation each morning for the next three months. For those that don’t know the Dynamic meditation it begins with ten minutes of deep, fast, chaotic breathing, which may or may not lead to letting go through screaming. In my case primaling was the truth. I needed to throw out my entire universe of enemies as well as friends in order to be alone again.

Osho suggested that the more I could let go, the more room there would be for me. I felt a key in his words that I could work on myself instead of trying to change you or change the world.

Basically…that in my loneliness I have invited my parents, my priests, my politicians, my girlfriends, all to live with me, without ever asking them to leave, and by now I was so full of my past that there was simply no room to be in the present. And he said, “Please don’t invite me into your life until you clean up your house.” And then he cutely said, “I’m not talking about rearranging furniture in your mind.” I took this to mean to make room for love I needed to throw out my hate. I don’t think he was trying to say that everything about my past was negative, but I was very welcoming without being discriminating. It didn’t take me long to figure out that I travelled ten thousand miles away from my home town in order to get some distance from my up-bringing. By the time I did the Dynamic meditation for ninety mornings at Juhu beach in Bombay I was so alone from throwing everything out that I didn’t even know who I was. Isn’t it funny how much we define ourselves by our past relationships? This I that I’m referring to is made up 100% of ‘the not-real me,’ and that is why in meditation one comes to know that one doesn’t exist as a personality. That in fact we are all individuals who instead of coming from our own passion, come from the teachings of others. Blessed are the ignorant, including family and friends, who have shared their untruths with me. This is why meditation is called no-mind. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a mind, it simply means that we come into this moment naked and alive and creative…not a part of our up-bringing. Of course the problem was that I threw out the baby with the bathwater, so just like one had problems holding on, sometimes you let go too much. Life is in the balance. By the way, I didn’t do the entire ninety mornings of Dynamic at Juhu beach, I was travelling and ended up dizzy and short of breath in the Himalayas. Deep, fast, chaotic breathing is not the best thing to do at high altitude with Mount Everest as a backdrop; it’s similar to getting the bends coming up from a dive in the Maldives. As above so below. I continued to do the Dynamic mediation for the better part of the next nine years. I giggle to myself even today as I recall when I once did it at Venice Beach by the Pacific Ocean while I was still blindfolded; I simply floated on the salt water during the silent stage, and luckily didn’t drown when the tide came in. I was also once detained temporarily by the Los Angeles Police Department when I did Dynamic in Griffith Park at sunrise. I thoroughly recommend, for your personal safety, that you come to the OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, to do the Dynamic meditation for a minimum of twenty-one days. It’s not only a safe environment for change and personal growth, but you can avoid incarceration. Remember, meditation can get you in trouble.

“There are only three steps. The first step: becoming aware that this world is nothing but games, becoming aware that this world is nothing but our projections; and the second step, becoming aware that the other world, heaven, paradise, is also nothing but our unfulfilled dreams, our unfulfilled desires projected in time, in the future; and the third step, when this world is dropped and that world is dropped, then all that is left is you. Then all that is left is the faculty of projection, the mind, the ego. And the third step consists of dropping the ego. And suddenly you are back home. Suddenly nothing is needed any more, all is available. And then one starts laughing, because this had always been so – all had always been available. Just because we were searching and searching, and we were in such a frantic search that we never looked within; we never looked at the treasure that we are already carrying, we became too much obsessed with the outside world; we forgot the language of the inner, we forgot that there is an interior in us and that interiority is God.

Meditate over these beautiful lines of D.H. Lawrence:

Are you willing to be sponged out,
Erased, cancelled, made nothing?
Are you willing to be made nothing,
Dipped into oblivion?
If not, you will never really change.

The phoenix renews her youth
Only when she is burnt, burnt alive,
Burnt down to hot and flocculent ash.”

Krishna Prem’s website is at www.geeyouareyou.com

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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Дхарма Махант

Пол: Пол:Мужской
Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2006
Сообщения: 22649
Откуда: Кобристан.

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Мар 19, 2012 10:09 am Ответить с цитатойВернуться к началу

52-й выпуск журнала свами Кришны Према. G.U.R.U.


In Love and Laughter with You, Krishna Prem Клево!

Я ставлю запятую перед что, где она мне нужна. © Ф. М. Достоевский. Image
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